When you look across the room and stare at me with that condescending
evil glare is hate what you really feel for me? Do you really think it's
funny when you laugh at me behind my back? Don't you think it's getting
a little old? I'd like to think we're older than that, that we have both
moved on. Maybe we have but we're both too stubborn to get it out of the
way and end it, neither of us wants to be defeated.
Our whole friendship was based on a deep desire to beat each other, and
most of the time we came out even and it made us stronger. We could
always laugh about anything and had a lot of fun together. We were best
friends and i always valued every moment we spent together. I was always
willing to stick up for you when things got tough at home, and you
always stood by me when i was trying to stand up for my rights.
So what went wrong? How did we go from being best friends and sharing
everything for almost four years to the hate we have for each other now?
We never even had a fight, it just happened one day. The day you left my
table in science class almost 2 years ago, and then never spoke another
word to me. You pushed me away because for once you didn't need me to be
your support system, you realized you could make friends on your own
which is what I had been telling you all along. And then when I needed
you most you turned your back because you didn't care about me anymore,
I was only a burden.
I want to be able to look at you and not see someone who hates me but
someone who used to be my best friend. I miss you a lot because despite
what you might think you meant the world to me. I don't want to deal
with all the bitterness between us because it just isn't worth it.
Regaining what we had would be almost impossible, I've changed and I'm
sure you have too, it would take forever to catch up. I don't want to be
able to say "hi" to you in the hall with the familiarity of an old
friend but with the simple joy of a new one.
A Friend Now And Forever,