Can you please put your penis aside for one moment?
Think with your heart and try to find me. My warm memory.
My face that you used to love so dearly. Put aside all
the fights and quarrels and try hard to think of me with
love. I'm sorry if I have caused you pain. It was never
intended. I only meant to act with the kindness you don't
necessarily deserve.
Then again, you don't really deserve anything good.
You are the one who has caused the pain. Made me
lay in bed at night praying to never wake you. You
are the cruel being who drove me straight to insanity,
the man who beat me with his fist until I begged for
mercy. I'm going to breathe now. You don't deserve
this beautiful face.
I want to rid every piece of your disturbing beauty
from me. I want to be my own. Go on now, pretend
you don't care. Let as many girls suck on your
diminutive penis. It's not love. You'll never love
like me. Never.
Go away now and take this memory with you.
You aren't wanted in these parts
You just keep coming back.