Why couldn't you have been the friend that I always considered you to be?
Who taught you to be so manipulative and uncaring? Was it your mother,
because I think she has a greater influence on you than anyone in your world.
That's right, YOUR world. You don't let anyone but her come to visit you in
that sick mind game playing place.
You cannot conceive how much pain and worry you have put me, as well
as others, through. You don't care what others think and you thought that
your friendships were secure. I'm glad you are finding out now that no
friendship with you can last forever. Not even ours, the one that began when
we were eight. Eleven years together cannot be salvaged and you are in many
of my good memories. But in the future, you will in no way be a part of any
memory. You don't even know that I am leaving for school in the fall. And I
couldn't be happier. I hope you try to look me up one day and I am out of
state. I hope that you snap out of your selfish, bitchy ways and come back to
our world.
What drives you to act the way you do? What have we done to make you
say such nasty, hurtful things about us? Why is it that when I had to deal
with the pain of what Andrew did to me, you were no where to be found and
then later I find out you were telling everyone it was a lie? Well, it wasn't
a lie, you just didn't have the time to care. You never have. I could only
have fun with you. I couldn't fight with you, discuss anything, have you
listen to what was bothering me. It was and always will be about you. What
Jean wants, what Jean needs. This is the last time I will even think of you.
Even write your name down and I am glad I have the chance to do it in front
of whoever reads this. You do not deserve this letter of explanation just
like you don't deserve a friend. You will have no future with the attitude
you carry. I know that it sounds harsh but it is true. I can see it, I can
see you manipulating till the day you die. Or until the tables turn on you.
Sorry that I wasted precious years with you.
I'm sorry that you were a part of me. I can't believe how naive I
had become to think that your friendship could be saved. You deserve nothing
from me. Because you gave nothing.
Never Again,