I cannot talk to you on the phone anymore because I always end up feeling worse
than I did to begin with. I seems like the only reason I call you is
because I'm in some
panicked state and I am depending upon you to fix it. And it is not your
job or place to fix
it. And I feel like you wish you were elsewhere even though you've told me
otherwise and
that I am writing this or feeling this is not due to anything of your
making. It is my fucked
up head trying to ruin everything I have. I wish I could just pinpoint what
is causing me to
feel this way.
This past Saturday, being completely spent with Brian, just reminded me of
why I
was so drawn to him in the first place. He never made me feel whole but he
made me feel
secure. and I wish that security was something I could offer myself. I feel
safe when he
wraps his arms around me, I still do, regardless of the words being spoken
or actions
previous. and it is pathetic for me to feel this way because he is not
someone who is going
to protect me. Maybe it can be explained by some fucked up Freudian theory
that I am in
need of a loving father figure And maybe you are asking yourself what the
hell this has to
do with you. I'm not really sure. I just know that you are the person I
feel closest to and
that I feel somewhat comfortable spilling this all to you. I desperately
hope that enabling
you to see what a mess I am on the inside will not make you care less about me.
And when I told you it's hard for me to have more than surface friends, I
lied. It is
nearly impossible for me to let people close. Like I have said before, I am
not even living
my own life. I am just floating while going through the correct motions, but
I don't want
to be floating. I want to be enjoying what is around me.
You told me that you cared for me and I was shocked because I care back. I just
never expected to hear something like that. It is somehow easier when I am
only dealing
with myself because then I only have myself to blame for being silent or for
whatever I am. I feel so awkward telling you that I love you because those
words seem to
be so false. It feels as if those three words are a jinx that will remove
you from my life.
And I don't want you erased but I have a hard time conceiving of you being
in my life
You said that you feel better when someone loves your or is in love with
you and I
don't think that I could ever or would ever take that away from you. But it
change the way I feel - as if I am filling some void that exists within
you. I imagine that
you are doing the same thing for me. What is frightening to me is that this
could possibly
be all we are to each other. I see us grasping to connect and to talk and to
And I am so very wary of involving myself any deeper in this if the dead end
is already
I feel like I should be able to say all of this in person. But I kept
starting to cry and
could never work up the nerve to begin a conversation of this magnitude. You
seem so
distant and I feel as if I am troubling you with information you neither
wish to deal with
nor can handle. But I needed to express this. And I need some response. I am
afraid that
each of us will invest a lot into whatever we feel exists between the two of
us and what we
hoped for, in actuality, won't exist after all. I feel sure that you will
choose to walk away
and I would prefer that this happen sooner as opposed to later when the
damage will be
far worse and far more widespread.