19 October, 1998
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I'm certain you know why I'm writing this letter. Though I've never discussed it with you, nor anyone else for that matter, I feel that in order for me to let go of my misfit past and find someone real inside of my bitter heart, I need to let you know how I feel, or at least let myself know how I feel. Since I can no longer even face you, I'm expressing my thoughts in a pen's bride letter.

We grew up together, lived in the same house since I was born. You were the older sibling, but we got along fine. I adjusted to the occasional beatings and tauntings, and respected you like any child sister does. So when I woke up one morning only to meet you on top of me, I was hurt. I was hurt badly. Not just physically, o my brother. But in the head.. in my head. Now, if it'd just been once, though once was hell for me, if it had just been once, I could have taught myself to forget it ever happened, and learn to call you my brother once again. But for how long did this torture continue? And in my own bed? While I was sleeping! Convinced that I was in a peaceful place, surrounded by the ones that loved me.. And you take advantage of my trust?

What was going through your head when you broke my virgin-ness so many times? Your own sister? I was young, too young to understand.. So I took to scrubbing my skin brutally every morning, convinced that I could make it go away. You're lucky, you bastard, that I never told a soul. Though even if I had, they wouldn't have listened.. They would have stamped my hand "insane" and told me not to lie about my own family. You're still lucky. You got the better end of the deal. You never paid for taking my pureness, or every stitch of self esteem I ever had. Look at you now, grown and happy. And me? Still stuck in those mornings where i woke to you untying the string. I still swear I hear you come in.. walk up to my bed.. I still feel it.

I blame you for the shell I hide in, and I blame you for my shyness, and I blame you for my bitterness towards our parents. I could go on and blame you for my inability to stay in a relationship as well, but I'm feeling generous this fair day. So I'll keep on, continuing to blame myself for that. And for never having the strength to stop you. I only wish that you knew the horror you've caused my life.



So There